Tuesday, February 10, 2015

One Skillet Breakfast

Hi.  Did I mention I love potatoes?  I do.  I love them a lot.

Unfortunately, I didn't marry a potato farmer like my parents predicted....But that's ok.  I consume a lot of potatoes in various forms and hey! Here's another potato breakfast recipe!!!

I'm calling this sucker "One Skillet Breakfast" because I just made it up and that's what it is.

For this bad boy, you'll need:

1 slice of bacon
2 oz of kielbasa (I'm guessing)
3-4 potatoes already baked or microwaved
1 medium onion
1 jalapeno (optional, you can substitute with bell pepper)
4 eggs
shredded cheese (optional)
seasoning salt and pepper

I should mention that you can do a non-meat version of this too.  I just HAPPENED to have bacon....I love you, bacon.  You complete me. I also had some left over kielbasa sausage. 

Start by chopping up your bacon into tiny pieces and kielbasa, too.
Add to your skillet and cook on medium (I use a cast iron skillet, you don't have to.  Just be sure to use something large enough to accommodate your home fries and eggs).

When your bacon and kielbasa are crisped and browned, I add chopped onion and jalapeno right into the pan with the meat (if you don't want spicy, then substitute chopped bell pepper or not.  Whateva.).  I don't add any oil because the bacon and kielbasa will have left you lots of yummy and delicious pork fat.  I cook directly in it.  Yeah, so?  I don't do it all the time...

While your onion and jalapenos are cooking in the bacon fat....mmmmm, chop up your already baked or microwaved potatoes into bite sized pieces.

When your onions and jalapeno are nice and soft, add the chopped up potatoes.

Saute everything together and don't forget to season with seasoning salt and pepper.  I add a little water here too to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the pan and to help with getting the seasoning on all the potatoes.  About a tablespoon or so will do.

Now.  Eggs.  

"Why, yes it is, it is a HUEVO. This is sooo Guatemalan. Poultry is the only real form of currency there. A woman is said to be worth her weight in hens..."   -The Birdcage, 1996

You can scramble them right in the pan or you can just crack them on top of the potatoes.  I like runny yolk.  It's like nature's gravy.  Yes.  I said it.  I like egg yolk.

Spread your potatoes evenly around in the pan and crack your eggs right on top.

Like this:

I add another tablespoon or so of water to help steam the eggs and cover with a lid.

Here's my lid.  You can see the lid beginning to trap the steam.  

I turn the heat down to low and walk away.  I think this took about 3 minutes.  You can cook longer if you want.  As long as the egg white is cooked through, I'm happy.  Because runny, raw egg white.  Yuck.  Gag. Seriously.  Salt and pepper your egg now.  Alton Brown says it's muy importante to season your eggs while they are cooking.  I believe him.

I thought this pic was funny because there's this big air bubble...See? 

This next step is optional.  It doesn't really need it but since I had some shredded cheddar cheese, I used it.  Turn off the heat, sprinkle shredded cheese it on top (as much or as little as you want), cover with the lid and walk away...just walk away. But come back!!! Just a minute or so is all you need.

You can just plunk this entire skillet on the table and let everyone dig in...

Or you can use a spatula and plate it up, like this:

Thank you potato for being so yummy.
(Serves four.  Shhhhhh.)

1 comment:

  1. i thought i was the only one who hated runny raw egg white! love your food pics and explanations. :)
